Tuesday 26 June 2007


Today I've been preparing for the next U3A class. I'm covering blogs this session, hence this newly created blog - I've started blogging before, but found I was only updating occasionally, until I became a lapsed blogger...

But I've since discovered Picasaweb, and can see some great benefits of linking photos with blogs for keeping in touch - especially across long distances. I'll keep playing, and I should end up with some useful info for the U3A crowd.

This picturecomes from my recent trip to the Northern Territory, and was taken on a Yellow waters cruise in Kakadu NP.

More photos can be seen at:

It seems I can't use direct links to the photos within Picasa. Not even from the public albums. Hmmm... and as you can see, I can't get the layout like I'd like when I link to a pic on my website. I expected the pic of Ross to end up down here, but there it was up the top of the page.
Aha! drag and drop! Still, not very obvious.
Still, I've arrived at knock-off time, with most of my hair intact. I'll probably be back tomorrow to tear a bit more out.

Tony F

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