Saturday, 7 July 2012

thursday on my mind

Yup, not Friday, Thursday.

Mid June? Nope. The wait stretched like a rubber band. Mid June was to be when it was built, and the worst case scenario would see me with the bike by October? Frigging October? I was horrified, wondering if I should elect to wait until 2013 for the next year's build. I to wait for the stock manager to get back from leave, and between him and the sales guy they sourced an earlier arrival. It's in, and being predelivered next week. I catch the train in on Thursday, and thunder home.

I'm anxiously watching the week ahead weather forecasts - and seeing a shower or two. Oh well. when I collected the 848 I was caught in a huge storm, with no wet weather gear. Sure broke in my brand new Ducati leather jacket!

This time I'm getting a more upright model than my old 848. What am I getting? That's still a bit of a secret, but the clues I gave showed my choices were between the thumping Monster 1100 Evo and more powerful Streetfighter 848. Both bikes had their pluses and minuses, but that ride to Wiseman's Ferry settled my mind completely. As I said, a significant deposit went down very quickly, and I perched on the edge of settled back into my chair to stress wait. Waiting till October would have aged me considerably.

Now I can almost touch it.

Am I getting excited?

You bet!


NZ vet girl said...

hey fat hippy,

do you reckon one could tow a chariot with a kid in it (a bike trailer thing) on the hanging rock trail?

fairly experienced mountain biker but, you know, it's heavy so don't want to over exert.

a better way to contact you?

the fat hippy said...

The best way to contact me is via my web site - - Most of teh little fat hippy images link to my email. But to your question.

I'm not really sure - I've never towed a trailer, so have no idea what they're capable of, and have never considered how they'd cope. However, last time I rode the Hanging Rock track it was in good condition, and the hills weren't awful. I can think of one that might slow you down a bit.

I don't think very last few hundred metres would be suitable for a trailer, but I guess you could chain it up and walk, or tip the kid out and let them walk while you drag the trailer. ;^)

Once at the lookout, there's no way you'll get a trailer down to Hanging Rock itself - it's a hard walk, and carrying my bike back up after carrying it down for a photo was very hard work. I usually chain my bike at the top. I think the climb's worth it for the views and to grasp the immensity of the cliffs, but with a youngster, you might decide that discretion is the better part of valour. The views are still fabulous from the top.

Hope that helps.

Tony F