Friday, 29 June 2007

Controversy Corner

ooh, lookie, I'm going to be a bit controversial today, and discuss global warming.

Although pretty well everyone agrees that the world's climate is changing, that we're heating up, and that things will indeed be very different for our descendants within a few generations, there is still argument about whether we're responsible, or if it's part of the natural cycle.

The doomsayers point to the effects of industrialisation on our atmosphere and environment generally, the naysayers suggest that we're impertinent to think that a mere human action could change the world to this degree. The doomsayers want action to reduce emissions - to generally get our act together. The naysayers say it's going to happen anyway, so there's no need - sure, we can make changes, but the environment will still get hotter.

Who's right? Don't ask me, I'm not a scientist. ;^)

But I'll still say something. I firmly believe that humans have been polluting our environment since the year dot, and that since industrial revolution, and rapid increases in population, we've been polluting far more of it. We're a pretty grotty, lazy bunch when it comes to cleaning up.

So, it seems to me that if so called "scaremongering" reduces the amount we pollute, bring on the scaremongering! Even if global warming and climate change continues, by reducing our mess, we and our descendants can still live in a better world than we'd live in if we continued on our present course.

So, let's spend money on clean, renewable energy for a start. And memo Mr Howard... any energy source that leaves behind deadly waste for thousands or millions of years, well, it's NOT clean OR green! Especially when safe storage techniques are still under development and unproven.

And it may well be true that Australia is small fry in the world of polluters - who cares? Every reduction counts. If we can prove that renewable energy is workable, we can be world leaders. Now, wouldn't *that* be something to be proud of?

Tony F

Thursday, 28 June 2007

frustrations with pictures

This pic was sent around via email, and the princes were funking away - butt the version I saved doesn't work. Oh well.

This time I'm trying a different layout for images. just to see what happens.

this text is just filling up space

this text is just filling up space

this text is just filling up space

this text is just filling up space this text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up spacethis text is just filling up space - really!

OK, well, now I know - I chose no layout, moved my cursor to the middle of the junk text, and the picture ended up at the start of the blog. Not what I expected at all. Here's another image - where will it appear...

Well, there you go, it appeared at the start of the message - this one tried centre layout. Looks like drag and drop is the only way to get them where you want them. To get it down here I dragged and dropped, but am stuck with it being centred - unless I edit the code, but that's not exactly obvious to newbies. I recommend using the no layout version - then you can drag and drop to wherever you want.

This is my pushbike speedo after riding to work one day, showing my max speed. I have been faster (84 km/h), but this was a record for that particular hill.

Sadly, I've come to the conclusion that uploading images to Blogger is *very* clunky.

Tony F

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

a different problem

Today I've had a different problem - I've discovered it's very easy to get engrossed in other people's blogs and not doing what you're supposed to be doing. Oops!

Shhhhh -don't tell anyone!

Anyway, one thing I was wondering was if it was possible to add video to a blogger blog (to make a vlog). At a glance, it doesn't seem easy, although I suspect some code editing would provide a solution.

I can easily link to video hosted elsewhere, but I can't embed the video directly into this page.

Oh well. Tips are welcome!

edit: Aha! There's a blooger news group that has the answer - the feature's coming, and is available in a draft mode now.

edit2: bwhahahaha! It's on the main dashboard page, you goose!

Tony F

Tuesday, 26 June 2007


Today I've been preparing for the next U3A class. I'm covering blogs this session, hence this newly created blog - I've started blogging before, but found I was only updating occasionally, until I became a lapsed blogger...

But I've since discovered Picasaweb, and can see some great benefits of linking photos with blogs for keeping in touch - especially across long distances. I'll keep playing, and I should end up with some useful info for the U3A crowd.

This picturecomes from my recent trip to the Northern Territory, and was taken on a Yellow waters cruise in Kakadu NP.

More photos can be seen at:

It seems I can't use direct links to the photos within Picasa. Not even from the public albums. Hmmm... and as you can see, I can't get the layout like I'd like when I link to a pic on my website. I expected the pic of Ross to end up down here, but there it was up the top of the page.
Aha! drag and drop! Still, not very obvious.
Still, I've arrived at knock-off time, with most of my hair intact. I'll probably be back tomorrow to tear a bit more out.

Tony F